Daily Magic: December 30, 2024

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Here are your witchy correspondences for Monday, December 30, 2024:

  • Color of the Day: Gray
  • Crystal of the Day: Smoky Quartz
  • Incense of the Day: Rosemary
  • Moon of the Day: Waning Capricorn (New Moon at 5:27 PM EST)

Monday is ruled by the moon. Magical influences include peace, sleep, healing, compassion, friends, psychic awareness, purification, and fertility.

Color of the Day: Gray

Color magic uses various hues to influence energy. Gray is often associated with balance, loneliness, and rest.

Today is ideal for spending time alone, resting, healing, meditation, and catching up on sleep. Take a mental health day if you can!

Crystal of the Day: Smoky Quartz

I choose the crystal of the day based on the day’s energy and associated color. Magical properties of quartz crystals include protection, healing, psychism, and power. These crystals are powerful amplifiers of magic, and can be worn or placed on the altar during spell work.

Smoky quartz in particular is a receptive stone often used as a mood elevator and worn as a grounding stone. It can help you overcome depression and other negative emotions.

Incense of the Day: Rosemary

Magical properties of rosemary include protection, love, lust, mental powers, exorcism, purification, healing, sleep and youth.

Rosemary is one of the oldest herbs used for incense. When burned, it emits powerful cleansing and purifying energy. It’s often used to cleanse a space of negativity, especially prior to performing magical works.

NOTE: If you don’t have the herb/incense of the day, check out my list of herb and incense substitutions for more ideas.

Moon of the Day: Waning Waning Capricorn to New Moon

The day begins with the moon waning in Capricorn. The waning moon is a time for study, meditation, and little magical work – except magic to banish negative energies.

The new moon begins at 5:27 PM EST. The new moon in Capricorn is a great time to start working on your new years’ resolutions – especially if they require extended effort and concentration.

Moon in Capricorn (general) develops strong structure. Focus on traditions, responsibilities, and obligations. A good time to set boundaries and rules.

Magic of the Day: Healing Meditation

Here’s the meditation I’m performing to connect to the energy of the day, which supports healing, rest, and purification.


  • Gray candle
  • Rosemary incense
  • Smoky quartz crystal


  • Light a gray candle on your altar (or any space you feel safe to meditate). Take a moment to focus on the candle flame, clearing your mind of anxiety and negative thoughts.
  • Light the rosemary incense. Take a moment to appreciate the healing, purifying power of the herb and further clear your mind of negativity.
  • Hold the smoky quartz in your hand and feel its grounding energy flow through you.
  • Close your eyes and take a deep breath in, while visualizing you’re inhaling golden-colored air filled with love, joy, healing, and positivity. Breath out, while visualizing all the anxiety, negativity, and lower vibrations exiting your body in a black cloud.
  • Repeat breathing and visualizing. Each time you breath out, the black cloud you exhale becomes lighter and lighter in color until it’s completely clear, and then also gold in color. Know that you are filled with the healing, loving, joyous energy of the universe.

This is the healing/grounding meditation that I perform every morning – and sometimes at night – especially during times of stress. I will often adapt it to the energies of the day, but it can be done with no external tools – only your mind and breath.

If you don’t have a smoky quartz crystal available, a regular quartz or any other healing/purifying stone can be used – or no stone at all.

Further Reading

I hope you have a beautiful, magical day! 🩶