Daily Magic: January 2025

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Daily posts are currently on hold while I work on some things behind the scenes. However, I’m leaving all the daily correspondences (in condensed form) for the rest of January in this post – in case anyone is interested.

PLEASE NOTE: I choose color, herb, and crystal of the day based on the current day’s ruling planet and influences. Feel free to use these suggestions to weave daily magic into your own life, or disregard/replace what doesn’t resonate. Nothing is set in stone. Always follow your own intuition.

January 27, 2025

  • Color of the Day: White
  • Crystal of the Day: Moonstone
  • Herb of the Day: Myrrh
  • Number of the Day: One
  • Moon of the Day: Waning Capricorn

Monday is ruled by the Moon. Magical influences include peace, sleep, dreams, healing, compassion, friends, psychic awareness, intuition, emotions, mystery, purification, fertility, and spirituality.

It’s a good day to align yourself with the energy of the moon and focus on spiritual growth. Perform magic related to emotional healing, intuition, and connecting to the subconscious mind; and activities like moon-gazing, meditation on the lunar phases, and dream work.

The waning moon (the time from the full moon to the new) is a time for study, meditation, and little magical work – except magic designed to banish harmful energies. It’s an opportune time to get rid of destructive attitudes, rid yourself of toxic people, and/or embark on a detox journey.

Moon in Capricorn develops strong structure. Focus on traditions, responsibilities, and obligations. It’s a good time to set boundaries and rules.

January 28, 2025

  • Color of the Day: Orange
  • Crystal of the Day: Bloodstone
  • Herb of the Day: Ginger
  • Number of the Day: Two
  • Moon of the Day: Waning Capricorn to Aquarius

Tuesday is ruled by Mars. Magical influences include passion, sexual energy, courage, aggression, physical strength, action, assertiveness, victory, overcoming obstacles, exorcism, defense, and protection.

It’s a good day to focus on energy work, martial arts, and other forms of physical exercise. Concentrate on connecting with your inner fire, cultivating courage and strength, and pursuing your goals with determination and passion. Perform magic for defense and protection.

The waning moon (the time from the full moon to the new) is a time for study, meditation, and little magical work – except magic designed to banish harmful energies. It’s an opportune time to get rid of destructive attitudes, rid yourself of toxic people, and/or embark on a detox journey.

The day begins with the moon in Capricorn, but it moves into Aquarius at 2:31 PM EST.

Moon in Capricorn develops strong structure. Focus on traditions, responsibilities, and obligations. It’s a good time to set boundaries and rules.

Moon in Aquarius brings rebellious energy. It’s time to break habits and make abrupt changes. Personal freedom and individuality is the focus.

January 29, 2025

  • Color of the Day: Purple
  • Crystal of the Day: Aventurine
  • Herb of the Day: Lavender
  • Number of the Day: Three
  • Moon of the Day: New Moon in Aquarius

Wednesday is ruled by Mercury. Magical influences include the conscious mind, study, travel, self-improvement, communication, divination, and wisdom.

It’s a good day for activities that stimulate the mind and facilitate communication (writing, studying, brainstorming, deep conversations). Write new spells, affirmations and rituals today. Focus on improving communication skills and mental clarity.

The new moon begins at 7:36 AM. It’s a good time to formulate your wish for the next lunar month. The new moon in Aquarius is an opportunity to revisit and refresh your New Year’s resolution.

Moon in Aquarius brings rebellious energy. It’s time to break habits and make abrupt changes. Personal freedom and individuality is the focus.

January 30, 2025

  • Color of the Day: Violet
  • Crystal of the Day: Turquoise
  • Herb of the Day: Hyssop
  • Number of the Day: Four
  • Moon of the Day: Waxing Aquarius to Pisces

Thursday is ruled by Jupiter. Magical properties include expansion, growth, optimism, abundance, generosity, spirituality, meditation, and psychism.

It’s a good day to give to charity or help those in need, practice gratitude, work on personal growth and expansion, perform visualization exercises for abundance, meditate, and study – especially interests/topics.

The waxing moon (the time from the new moon til the full moon) is an ideal time for magic to draw things towards you. It’s a time to add things to your life, infuse your life with novelty, and say “yes!” to what life or the moon has to offer.

The day begins with the moon in Aquarius, but it moves into Pisces at 5:52 PM.

Moon in Aquarius brings rebellious energy. It’s time to break habits and make abrupt changes. Personal freedom and individuality is the focus.

When the moon is in Pisces, the focus is on dreaming, nostalgia, intuition, and psychic impressions. It’s a good time for spiritual or philanthropic activities.

January 31, 2025

  • Color of the Day: White
  • Crystal of the Day: Chrysoprase
  • Herb of the Day: Magnolia
  • Number of the Day: Five
  • Moon of the Day: Waxing Pisces

Friday is ruled by Venus. Magical properties include love, friendship, reconciliation, compassion, beauty, pleasure, harmony, sensuality, youth, joy, and happiness.

It’s a good day to spend time with friends, go on a date with your romantic partner, meditate, focus on self-care, and most of all – perform rituals and spells to cultivate love, beauty, harmony, and pleasure in your life and relationships.

The waxing moon (the time from the new moon til the full moon) is an ideal time for magic to draw things towards you. It’s a time to add things to your life, infuse your life with novelty, and say “yes!” to what life or the moon has to offer.

When the moon is in Pisces, the focus is on dreaming, nostalgia, intuition, and psychic impressions. It’s a good time for spiritual or philanthropic activities.

Sources (Further Reading)

See you next month! I hope you have a beautiful, magical January! 🤍