Daily Magic: December 28, 2024

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Here are your witchy correspondences for Saturday, December 28, 2024:

  • Color of the Day: Indigo
  • Incense of the Day: Pine
  • Moon of the Day: Waning Sagittarius

Saturday is ruled by Saturn. Magical influences include longevity, exorcism, endings, homes, and houses.

Color of the Day: Indigo

Color magic uses various hues to influence energy. Indigo is a deep, blue-purple hue often associated with will, spirit, psychic awareness, transformation, and intuition.

If you choose, wear indigo-colored clothing today and dark-blue or purple gemstones with similar spiritual/psychic properties, such as:

  • Amethyst
  • Azurite
  • Lapis lazuli
  • Sapphire

Incense of the Day: Pine

Magical properties of pine include healing, fertility, protection, exorcism, and money. Pine needles are burned during the winter months to purify and cleanse the home.

When scattered on the floor, pine needles drive away evil, and when burned they exorcise the area of negativity. Today’s energy promotes exorcism and the home, so it’s a great time to banish negative vibes from your living space.

Daily Magic Idea: Perform a house blessing spell, but use pine resin on charcoal (or pine stick/cone incense) instead of Frankincense.

Don’t have the incense of the day? Check out my list of Herb and Incense Substitutions.

Moon of the Day: Waning Sagittarius

The waning moon is a time for study, meditation, and little magical work – except magic to banish negative energies.

Moon in Sagittarius encourages flights of imagination and confidence. This is an adventurous, philosophical, and athletic moon sign. It favors expansion and growth.

Further Reading

I hope you have a beautiful, magical day! 💙