Daily Magic: December 23, 2024

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Here are your witchy correspondences for Monday, December 23, 2024:

  • Color of the Day: Lavender
  • Incense of the Day: Hyssop
  • Moon of the Day: Waning Libra

Monday is ruled by the Moon. Magical influences include peace, sleep, healing, compassion, friends, psychic awareness, purification, and fertility.

Color of the Day: Lavender

Color magic uses various hues to influence energy. Lavender is often associated with knowledge, intuition, and divination.

It’s a good day to work on your psychic awareness – perform tarot readings, scrying, or your favorite divination magic. Burn lavender-colored candles while divining.

Incense of the Day: Hyssop

Magical properties of hyssop include purification and protection. It’s one of the most widely used purification herbs in magic.

Add hyssop to baths and sachets, infuse and sprinkle on objects and people to protect them, use hyssop as an incense to purify your space, or hang bunches of the herb in your home to purge it of evil and negativity.

Moon of the Day: Waning Libra

The waning moon is a time for study, meditation, and little magical work – except magic to banish negative energies.

Moon in Libra favors cooperation, social activities, beautification of surroundings, balance, and partnership. The fourth quarter moon in Libra is good for partnerships, but it’s also a time to guard against overindulgence or staying with someone just to avoid being alone.

Further Reading

I hope you have a beautiful, magical day! 💜