Daily Magic: December 22, 2024

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Here are your witchy correspondences for Sunday, December 22, 2024:

  • Color of the Day: Orange
  • Incense of the Day: Frankincense
  • Moon of the Day: Waning Libra

Sunday is ruled by the Sun. Magical influences include healing, spirituality, success, strength, and protection.

Color of the Day: Orange

Color magic uses various hues to influence energy. Orange is often associated with creativity, addiction, and opportunity.

It’s a good day to perform magic to banish addictions of all sorts. Use orange candles and ribbons, string, cloth, etc. in your spells.

Incense of the Day: Frankincense

Magical properties of Frankincense include protection, exorcism, and spirituality.

When burned, Frankincense releases powerful vibrations that uplift those in the area and drives out all evil and negativity. It’s used in incenses of protection, exorcism, purification, and consecration.

For this reason, I use Frankincense in my house blessing spell. Today is ideal for cleansing your space of negative energies. Perform your favorite cleansing & blessing spell!

Moon of the Day: Waning Libra

The Moon enters the fourth quarter at 5:18 PM, and it enters Libra at 2:08 AM. The waning moon is a time for study, meditation, and little magical work – except magic to banish negative energies.

Moon in Libra favors cooperation, social activities, beautification of surroundings, balance, and partnership. It’s a good time to clean, de-clutter, and decorate your home. Get your family, partner, or roommate to help! They’ll likely want to pitch in while the Moon is in Libra!

Further Reading

I hope you have a beautiful, magical day! 🧡