Daily Magic: January 25, 2025

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PLEASE NOTE: I choose color, herb, and crystal of the day based on the current day’s ruling planet and influences. Feel free to use these suggestions to weave daily magic into your own life, or disregard/replace what doesn’t resonate. Nothing is set in stone. Always follow your own intuition.

I’ve also replaced “incense” of the day with “herb” of the day, as this allows me more freedom in choosing daily plant energies that can’t be (or shouldn’t be) burned as incense. If indicated, I will still burn herb of the day as incense. But in some cases, I may simply work with it in another way – baths, sachets, oils, herbal preparations, spellwork, etc.

Here are your witchy correspondences for Saturday, January 25, 2025:

  • Color of the Day: Gray
  • Crystal of the Day: Hematite
  • Herb of the Day: Skullcap
  • Number of the Day: Eight
  • Moon of the Day: Waning Sagittarius

Saturday is ruled by Saturn. Magical properties include longevity, exorcism, endings, grounding, protection, centering, purification, luck, homes and houses.

It’s a good day to work on personal goals, long-term planning, overcoming obstacles, and spiritual growth through self-discipline. Perform protection and purification magic, spells to bring good luck, grounding activities, and spend time working on your home.

Color of the Day: Gray

Gray is associated with Saturn, the day’s ruling planet. Magical properties of the color gray include balance, neutrality, stability, loneliness, and rest.

Gray has a calming effect and is also associated with maturity and comfort. It’s the most neutral of neutrals – avoiding attention, but remaining practical, stable, and reliable.

Crystal of the Day: Hematite

Hematite is a projective stone ruled by the planet Saturn and associated with the element fire. Magical properties of hematite include healing, grounding, and divination.

Use hematite for grounding and stabilizing, and for focusing your attention on the physical plane. It can also be used for drawing illness from the body, and it makes a wonderful scrying stone.

Herb of the Day: Skullcap

Skullcap is a feminine herb ruled by the planet Saturn and associated with the element of water. Magical properties of skullcap include love, fidelity, sleep, peace, and grounding.

Use skullcap in spells to promote relaxation, peace, and restful sleep. It can be worn by lovers to ensure fidelity. In folkloric tradition, a woman who wears skullcup protects her husband from the charms of other women. Skullcap helps ground – especially after meditation, trance work, or after waking from intense dreams and nightmares.

Medicinally, skullcap is a powerful nervine and brain tonic. It helps restore balance to an overwhelmed nervous system, produces mental clarity, relieves insomnia, and brings about a general sense of peace and well-being.

Number of the Day: Eight

The numerological day is determined by adding up the total of the current day, month, and year – then reducing this number down to a single digit.

January 24, 2025 is an “eight” day.

An eight day is a dynamic, progressive day when your abilities are at their peak. It’s a good day for all financial activities.

Moon of the Day: Waning Sagittarius

The waning moon (the time from the full moon to the new) is a time for study, meditation, and little magical work – except magic designed to banish harmful energies. It’s an opportune time to get rid of destructive attitudes, rid yourself of toxic people, and/or embark on a detox journey.

Moon in Sagittarius encourages flights of imagination and confidence. This is an adventurous, philosophical, and athletic moon sign. It favors expansion and growth.

Sources (Further Reading)

I hope you have a beautiful, magical day filled with balance and spiritual growth! 🩶