Daily Magic: January 1, 2025

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Here are your witchy correspondences for Wednesday, January 1, 2025:

  • Color of the Day: Brown
  • Crystal of the Day: Tiger’s Eye
  • Incense of the Day: Marjoram
  • Moon of the Day: Waxing Capricorn to Aquarius

A new year begins today! I love the energy of the New Year. January 1st is the reset of a new day, a new month, and a new year. It’s a perfect time to start new cycles, start or break habits, and begin new projects.

It’s also Wednesday, which is ruled by Mercury. Magical influences include the conscious mind, study, travel, divination, and wisdom.

Color of the Day: Brown

Color magic uses various hues to influence energy. Brown is often associated with the earth, stability, memory, and the home.

Brown is also a grounding color that represents good health, hard work, and reward through effort.

Crystal of the Day: Tiger’s Eye

I choose the crystal of the day based on the day’s energy and associated color. Magical properties of tiger’s eye include money, protection, courage, energy, luck, and divination.

When worn or carried on your person, tiger’s eye provides protection from all types of danger. It’s a warm stone and promotes energy flow through the body. It’s beneficial for the weak or the sick.

Incense of the Day: Marjoram

Magical properties of marjoram include protection, love, happiness, health, and money.

When carried, marjoram is protective. When spread around the house, a little bit in each room and renewed each month, it protects the home and its occupants. It also provides shielding powers against evil when grown in the garden.

NOTE: If you don’t have the herb/incense of the day, check out my list of herb and incense substitutions for more ideas.

Moon of the Day: Waxing Capricorn to Aquarius

The day starts with the waxing moon in Capricorn, but moves into Aquarius at 5:50 AM.

The waxing moon (the time from the new moon til the full moon) is an ideal time for magic to draw things towards you.

Moon in Capricorn develops strong structure. Focus on traditions, responsibilities, and obligations. A good time to set boundaries and rules.

Moon in Aquarius is rebellious energy. It’s a time to break habits and make abrupt changes. Personal freedom and individuality is the focus.

NOTE: What a perfect energy for New Year’s Day! I’m attempting to quit smoking today (breaking this habit for good), and I’ll definitely use the Aquarius moon energy to my benefit.

Magic of the Day: Protective Health Amulet

Today’s energy promotes protection from illness and attracting good health.

Here are instructions for the protective amulet I’m making today. The mixture of violet flowers and marjoram is traditionally used to ward off colds and other sickness when worn during the winter months. I’m adding a bit more protective energy with the addition of tiger’s eye, but this part is optional.


  • Brown candle
  • Marjoram incense (optional)
  • Tiger’s eye crystal (optional)
  • Small bowl for mixing herbs
  • Dried marjoram
  • Dried violet flowers
  • Small sachet or herb bag (or cloth and string to make your own)
  • Marjoram essential oil (optional)


  1. Light a brown candle in your working space. Light some marjoram incense if you like, or some other incense that promotes health, such as geranium, juniper, nutmeg, or thyme.
  2. Sit before the candle and incense. Take a moment to clear your mind and visualize yourself healthy and strong throughout the winter months.
  3. Empower your tiger’s eye crystal with your desire for good health. Place it near the burning candle to absorb more healing energy while you prepare the amulet.
    NOTE: If you don’t have a tiger’s eye crystal available, you can leave this step out and continue with the herbs alone.
  4. In a small bowl, combine equal parts dried marjoram and dried violet flowers. You may wish to say a few words, asking the herbs to lend their energies in protecting you against sickness this winter.
  5. Place the herbs in your sachet bag, along with the empowered tiger’s eye, then tie it closed.
  6. Anoint the bag with marjoram essential oil, if you choose.
  7. Hold the bag in both hands and visualize healing energy in the form of golden-brown light flowing from your heart, down your arms and hands into the amulet. Then, visualize that same healing energy flowing from the empowered amulet throughout your entire body. Again, see yourself as healthy and strong throughout the winter months.
  8. You may wish to say a few words to accompany your enchantment of the amulet. I like to stick to simple phrases, such as: “I am healthy and strong all winter long” – just something short and memorable that resonates with you.
  9. Wear your amulet or keep it on your person as often as possible through winter. After winter is over, remove the tiger’s eye and cleanse it for another use, then dispose of the herbs in the manner you see fit.

Sources (Further Reading)

I hope you have a beautiful, magical day! 🤎